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Foodie Fashion: A T-Shirt Project

My love for sparkles has only dwindled in the slightest, since I was 3...

This is still a food blog right? Yes! This blog is still all about healthy baking! If you know me, you know that I love all things culinary and all things sparkly... (hence, my love for sprinkles).

My love of shiny objects began at a young age. My mom would attempt to punish me for misbehaving by taking away certain things like: my favorite toy or doll, my favorite movie, and the list goes on. While dessert was a tough one to forgo, my sass generally got the best of me... Bye, bye, dessert.

The one thing that would get me to listen, you ask? The threat to take away my sparkly collection of socks. Yep, socks.

Now you are probably thinking, okay, what's wrong with this child? She will give up ice cream, but won't give up her sock collection? You got it right.

My love of all things sparkly has less control over my life now, but I still have an infatuation with glitzy, sparkly, and sprinkle-y things. It's quite obvious that sparkles spark joy, just ask Marie Condo...

These Foodie Fashion T-shirts (this is my pet name for them, for now) are meant to spark joy. They are meant to bring you back to your childhood when you could wear whatever you wanted without worrying about what other people thought. Although, I will say, as a child I cared quite deeply about how I looked when headed to the office (my parents office that is). I cared so much so, that my dad would have to wrap my clothes in shiny (do you see a theme here?) Nordstrom boxes to get me dressed in a somewhat timely manner. I would then get my decaf coffee (mostly cream), a piece of bubble gum and head to the office for "work".

Who says wearing sparkles goes out of style after a certain age? For me, it's simple. If sparkles bring you happiness, wear sparkles. They have always brought me happiness and I think that is why I love sprinkles so much! There is this intense joy when I get to sprinkle the top of a perfectly iced cake. I wanted to harness that same feeling but in an apparel line. If you aren't afraid to sparkle, these T-shirts are for you!

XOXO - Shannon

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